Strategic Thinking

Leadership Tools for Planning, Problem-Solving, and Decision-Making

“Strategy is a style of thinking, a conscious and deliberate process, an intensive implementation system, the science of insuring future success.”
- Pete Johnson, leading strategy consultant

‘For millennia, errors in logic and reasoning have been studied by philosophers, mathematicians, psychologists, and educators. One well-known philosopher, John Locke, (1632-1704) identified three basic types of thinking errors:

1. Accepting beliefs from others rather than thinking for one’s self.

2. Allowing emotions and personal needs to dominate one’s reasoning.

3. Exposing one’s self to a single viewpoint rather than seeking a variety of information and opinions.

The way to prevent these and other fallacies from becoming key elements in important business decisions is to structure meetings and decision processes so that leaders and team members are encouraged to question assumptions, seek a variety of opinions and to support their proposals with clear logic and appropriate data. Most organisations can own the old army saying, “We don’t have time to do it right, but we have time to do it over.” In these days of closer scrutiny of business decisions, we may not have the luxury of doing it over. Strategic decisions need to be made in a thoughtful, unbiased, and ethical way.'

Kim Barnes, CEO, Barnes & Conti Associates, Inc


Dynamic, innovative organisations require leaders at all levels who can think critically, anticipate issues, solve problems, and make decisions based on new and emerging information while keeping the long-term vision in mind.

Change is a constant and leaders can no longer afford the luxury of treating strategic thinking as part of an occasional event — it must become part of their daily practice.


Using a variety of tools, Strategic Thinking™ will help you develop your thinking about an important challenge or opportunity in your own organisation.

You will become more aware of any biases or assumptions that stand in the way of achieving results.

You will identify and apply systems thinking, critical thinking, and creative thinking in the context of Strategic Thinking to a problem or opportunity you currently face.

You will plan for including and influencing stakeholders in making and implementing critical decisions.

Using approaches developed in several areas of study, you will become a more future-focused leader.

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“Without strategy, execution is aimless. Without execution, strategy is useless.”

Morris Chang, former CEO, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company


Define strategic, systems, creative, and critical thinking

Identify aspects of strategic thinking you currently use and those you under-use

Identify organisational and individual barriers to strategic thinking

Identify other thinking tools to be learned in the future.

Identify current issues that require strategic thinking

Ask questions that stimulate strategic thinking in oneself and others

Apply strategic thinking tools to an important current issue

Develop approaches to help stakeholders think and act strategically

" ...the implementation of Strategic Thinking has allowed this team to think differently and allowed them to move out of their traditional approaches to product development, product launches and marketing. Overall the Strategic Thinking model from Barnes and Conti has increased our ability to adjust to the changes that occur in our markets, products and competition."

—Global training and development director, leading biotech Company

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The world of talent management continues to evolve at an unprecedented rate. We like to think of the challenges that this poses as opportunities to truly make a difference. VNA (Vicki Nicholson & Associates) is a game changer when it comes to best practices in the human development space. With over sixteen years of experience, we are a group of global leadership development entrepreneurs who are passionate about developing leaders that can excel in today’s demanding workplace.

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